Monday, December 16, 2013

'The Girls 1978'

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A very Merry Christmas

It's mid December and soon Christmas will be upon us.  They say "as one grows older, Christmas becomes less exciting". I disagree with that...and just who are "they"..?? 
I'm yet another year older, and can hardly wait for "the big day" to get here! I love the excitement in the air. No matter where I go, I'm hearing Christmas carols being played. The occasional clerk is wishing everyone "happy holidays" (cuz it's no longer proper etiquette to say "Merry Christmas"...and I say "phooey on that"!!); 
I love the smell of Christmas goodies being baked, the smell of live Christmas trees and the ton of Christmas lights that adorn homes and business alike.
I say "bring on Christmas"!! The sooner the better...whether I'm ready or not! And this brings me to the point of this entry. 
At this time of year, when ever I would start to fret about not being ready for Christmas, my dear old Mom would give me a piece of advise that I remind myself of every year. It went something like this..."Christmas is going to come whether you're ready or not, so don't fret over it so much. Just enjoy what you've already prepared and be happy with what you have!"
I have to say, that bit of "mother's advise, I always remember...Thank you Mumma, I miss you so very much, specially this time of year...your favorite time of year!"

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Vineyard at Naramata, BC, overlooking Okanagan Lake.
This photo was taken in January 2012. There's snow on the western side of Okanagan Lake above Summerland, BC. No snow on the eastern side of the lake!
A big reason why we love living in the Okanagan valley!